Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Indie artist spotlight: King Yung

In our first indie spotlight we have the pleasure of interviewing a young talented artist from florida. so with out further ado here it goes.

Question 1:who are you and where are you from?

Answer 1:King Yung, Yung for short. where im from is a good question. I was born in Miami,Fl relocated to Palm Bay,Fl but Pensacola is where I call home.

Question 2:How long have you been doing music?

Answer 2:Since about 7 years old really, little raps in class, making rap songs for school projects, stuff like that, but i didn't really start taking the music industry seriously until a few years ago, maybe around 22.
Question 3:what are some of your influences?

Answer 3:My exes,pass situations. I feel all my songs , I have went through something just to get that sound.I owe allot to my pass girlfriends.if they didn't break my heart or pout me thru the mud so many times, i don't think i would have as many hits as i do .

Question 4:what is your favorite song that you'v done thus far?

Answer 4: my favorite song changes with each song i make , so as of today my favorite would have to be "i didn't mean it ". its a crazy twisted story about relationships and cheating. basically my girl catches me with one of her friends. and she tries to call it quits on me and im not having that. fights break out, hands get thrown, milk shakes are getting dumped on people's heads. its crazy you'll just have to wait till the music video comes out.

Question 5.What is your favorite program to use when recording?

Answer 5.I can't really say i have a preference to be honest. i stopped recording myself awhile ago. i prefer to step in someones studio and have them record me the feeling of being in a n actual booth is such a up lifting experience. i feel it adds to my music.

Question 6: If you could work with any artist who would it be and why?

Answer 6: Tekashi 69 .say what you want about ole boy , but his shit is lit. I would love to feed off that energy and come out with a banger for yall.

Question 7:If you could work with any producer who would it be and why?

Answer:7 Im proud to say i found my go to Producer for all my tracks now. Grammy Nominated Producer Beau Vallis. The communication between me and him is golden. and overall he is stupid supportive  of me and my music.giving me advice whenever i need it,for whatever i ask. He good people and im proud to be working with him.

Question 8: If you could sign with any label what would it be and why?

Question 8: Republic Records, because i see they care about their artists. And the connections they have are great!
Question 9: Where can we find you?

Answer 9:Anywhere, google me and pretty much everything pops up.

my Instagram is : @Kingyung21

facebook is:@kingyung21

twitter is:@kingyung21

soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/kingyung21

spotify,youtube,itunes: King Yung

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Grammy Award Judge and Chief Engineer for the Legendary rap group Public Enemy

hello world ...today we have the awesome privilege of interviewing a major player in the behind the scenes world of the music industry. Far to often we hear about the musicians and producers but we rarely get a chance to pick the minds of those behind the soundboards responsible for cranking out some of our favorite hits and jams. that being said i am proud to give you an exclusive interview with just such a person. without further ado here is the interview.

Question One: Who are you and where are you from?

Answer: My name is Earle Holder and I was Born in England and raised between Jamaica, The West Indies, and Queens,New York. I currently reside in Atlanta.

Question two:What is your occupation in the Music Industry?

Answer:I am a Mastering Engineer and Have been with Public Enemy for 23 years.

Question Three: How long have you been in the music industry?

Answer:I have more than 30 years experience in the audio field.

Question Four:Briefly tell us about your dealings with the Grammy Awards?

Answer:I became a Grammy judge 9 years ago. Each year we choose who we believe is deserving of a Grammy

Question Five:What artist did you enjoy working with the most?

Answer: No one in particular. Each artist brings a special talent.I just appreciate the opportunity to hear first-hand so much great music.I have had the privilege to work with the best.

Question Six: What advice would you give an independent artist trying to make it in the music industry?

Answer:Stick with it and don't give up. Winners never quit and quitters never win. If you believe in your craft keep striving. You can still have a regular job and pursue your dreams.

Question Seven:Where can you be found?

for mastering rates be sure to call 404-643-8213 

Answer: https://www.facebook.com/Earle.Holder

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Who Is the Female Diddy of the Music World?

Hello readers,

as promised here is the exclusive interview with an Entertainment Publicist who is making waves in the entertainment industry.Below is an in-depth question and answer with an entity that has been servicing the Indie market for quite some time.From Dj blasts to placement in the premier rap industry magazine XXl without further ado I introduce you to Magassia the Female Diddy.

Magassia AKA The Female Diddy

Question one:What is your name and where are you located? Hello, my name is Magassia aka The Female Diddy and i am located in Miami Florida
Question two:What is the name of your company? The company's name is Magassia Promotions 
Question Three:How long have you been in the entertainment industry? Since 2008
Question four:What services does your company provide? I am a Publicist. I specialize in digital marketing, blog placements, magazine placements, and so many more. 
Question Five: Without saying who they are how many artist have you gotten any type of deal for whether it be a publishing,distribution or an actual label deal.? I am proud to say three artist were provided with distribution deals. 
Question six:what is your most memorable artist you have met that is Mainstream? The most memorable artist I met I would have to say would be T.I. the advice he gave was something that I needed to hear at the time. 
Question seven:What Advice can you give an independent artist? Every Mainstream Artist Used To Be Independent. All you need is one opportunity and then it's the take off. Be Patient! Keep Working! 
Question eight: where can an indie artist reach you at? www.magassiapromotions.com magassiapromo@gmail.com
XXL Magazine Magassia Promotions Artist To Watch Column
Label Representative For Meetings
Magassia CEO
Instagram: MagassiaPromotions

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Long Awaited return

Hello readers,

     After a long hiatus due to health issues I am pleased to announce the return of regular interviews and articles that you have grown to love and enjoy. Things have been busy over here as our flagship artist Gualla Gualla Released his second mix tape entitled ShiekLyfestyle: the movement which can be found on datpiff.com link is at the bottom of this blog post. We plan on doing a feature interview block every Friday with indie artists. On Tuesdays we plan on interviewing up and coming producers
and Thursdays will be dedicated to independent filmmakers and movie reviews. Mondays will feature a book of the week segment. Saturdays will be mixtape review day where we will screen indie artist mixtapes and give our professional opinion on them. We are excited to get back in the fray of things and we will start our weekly installments Thursday will a in depth interview with magassia promotions an independent promotion company located in Miami Fl. So stay tuned for exciting new look at the world of independent entertainment. As promised below is the link to Gualla Guallas second mixtape. with that being said i welcome you to enjoy the journey.

